Serological testing for viral hepatitis
Product Information
Product code: WS_00063 Category: Laboratory tests49 500 Ft
Laboratory testing for viral hepatitis is a serological screening package for active and past infections. It aims to demonstrate seronegativity (a negative result, meaning that antibody levels are below the threshold) and to detect hepatitis A and B protection. Laboratory tests required for working abroad.
The price of the test is 49 500 HUF.
If you wish to have the test performed at one of our lab points, please do not purchase from our webshop, but visit the lab point’s own website.
What tests does the viral hepatitis laboratory package include?
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies:
The test shows the presence of antibodies produced as an immune response to HCV infection.
Given that the test is not able to distinguish between active and previous infections, if the test is positive, other tests are needed to confirm the presence of infection.
Hepatitis B surface antigen occurs after Hepatitis B virus infection, a few weeks before the onset of clinical symptoms. If the test shows a presence in the body, it indicates infection or infectivity to the patient.
The antibody appears after the course of hepatitis B infection or vaccination. If the patient develops adequate protection, only the anti-HBs antibody can be detected in the study, while the other markers are negative.
The anti-HBc antibody is formed as a result of an immune response against Hepatitis B virus infection. It can be detected in both acute, chronic and cured infections. Following infection, the antibody is present in the body for the patients whole life.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibodies
The cytomegalovirus test shows whether the subject has recently had or still has a CMV infection.
CMV infection remains clinically unnoticed in an individual with an adequate immune system. It can be a more serious problem if a pregnant mother with an otherwise healthy immune system first encounters the pathogen during her pregnancy. Infection can cause serious damage to the fetus.
Epstein-Barr virus antibodies
The test helps diagnose mononucleosis.
Epstein-Barr virus infection can occur at any age. It is often asymptomatic or mild in children. EBV infection is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis, which is associated with sore throat, fever, and lymph node enlargement. The disease is spread by contact (saliva), develops in the body 4-6 weeks after infection and can last for 1-2 months.
Hepatitis A virus (HAV) antibodies
The test is needed to diagnose hepatitis A virus infection. The test is also warranted if the need for vaccination against hepatitis A virus needs to be established or the body’s response to vaccination needs to be monitored.
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) antibodies
The test is needed to diagnose hepatitis E virus infection. Hepatitis E usually does not cause a complaint. In some cases, however, symptoms may include abdominal pain, fever, and jaundice.
How to prepare for the examination?
There is no need to arrive on an empty stomach for the sampling.
When will your results arrive?
You will receive your results 9-14 workdays after the examination.
In case of online payment, our system sends a confirmation e-mail to your e-mail address following the arrival of your payment to our account. This e-mail contains the phone number of our Call Center where you can book your appointment for the service.
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